

In addition to the 150+ members of the choir & orchestra, PCO relies heavily on key volunteer positions to produce its highly professional concerts each season.  The more people involved, the better, as it spreads out the tasks and brings in more creative ideas.

If you are in the choir & orchestra and already help; Thank You! Many friends and family members of singers/players participate in this way.  Even if you are not in the Choir or Orchestra but would like to help, Great!  We welcome all since these efforts help further the mission of PCO in Inspiring the Northwest!

Below are areas where we would love to invite you to add your volunteer muscle. The amount of time commitment varies.  Some areas heat up a bit more around concert time.  Every volunteer effort is vitally important and appreciated.  Choose the button below to find out more about any position or to let us know you are interested!

Key needs are Ticket Sales and Marketing Director.  Ticket Sales are best managed by someone not in the choir, and is a significant time investment on performance days and leading up to performance.  As we rely almost exclusively on ticket sales to fund operations, this position is essential to our continued existence.

  • Marketing Director
  • Grant Writer
  • Development: Identify Potential Donors
  • Video Editor
  • Archivist (Audio & Video recording)
Concert Production
  • Ticket Sales
  • Video producer for in-concert videos
  • Logistics Manager
  • Video Director
  • House Manager
  • Floor Manager

Key needs are Ticket Sales and Marketing Director.  Ticket Sales are best managed by someone not in the choir, and is a significant time investment on performance days and leading up to performance.  As we rely almost exclusively on ticket sales to fund operations, this position is essential to our continued existence.